Thursday, January 13, 2011

Zoe is now 2 weeks old, she is still fighting a nasty lung infection with the help of very specific antibiotics.

As you can see in the picture she has her first nappy on and a beautiful pink beannie (thanks to the volunteer who knitted it). Zoe's lung is still collapsed however she is stable. She has quite a lot of different medicines to help in her care. Today was the first time we were shown how to do Zoe's Cares. This involved cleaning her eyes, mouth, putting vasaline on her lips and changing her bottom.

Your messages have been so encouraging to us. We have had some real lows over the past days and know that this is just the beginning. Thank you for having us in your thoughts and prayers.

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  1. Her love is pure
    It is so right
    Keep Zoe safe
    All through the night.

    She's in your hands
    Lord hear us please
    And bring strength to this angel
    To allay our fears.

    Her mum and dad
    And brothers too
    Commit their love
    To Zoe Hope.. and to You.

    We know that You can
    Move Heaven and Earth
    Hear our prayers for long life
    After a difficult birth.

    Our hearts and prayers are continually with all the family. Trust in God and the amazing medical people He provides.

  2. Thank you Alex for the lovely poem xo

  3. Dear Mandi, Jan, Tyler and Henry,
    My prayers and hopes are with Zoe Hope. She looks so precious and has done so well with her struggles to date. Stay strong for each other and for Zoe.
    Joy (Dixon)

  4. Thinking of all of you.
