Yesterday mum and dad ventured back into the NICU Westmead for Zoe's eye check and weight assessment. This time we knew we were only to be there a short time (which went quickly with the staff coming to see how Zoe was doing now at home). Her eye check results were good with the ROP still resolving. The specialist is pleased with her progress and so Zoe will now go to fortnightly assessments.
Zoe Hope has gained weight since being at home and is now 2415grams. We are so happy to see that the comforts of home are helping.
Life at home with Zoe Hope was a little daunting for the first few days adjusting to the oxygen as well as making sure she was still breathing etc. Not too much different from bringing home a newborn.
Zoe Hope was due to be born on the 24th April so her corrected age is 5 days old. Seems unreal to think of it that way but that will be the age that will be used for her milestones in the many months to come.
We are thrilled to have her home. Tyler and Henry adore their sister. As for Zoe Hope she is settled, sleeps really well during the DAY and at night like to snuggle with mum. She is adjusting to the environment at home however doesn't like to sleep in the dark so we have a light on for her every night. She loves to be in the family room with all the noise of the day too. We are just so blessed to be enjoying her and getting to know everything about her.
We sincerely thank all of you for your messages and thoughts and prayers.
What a beauitful little girl! May God continue to be with you all!
ReplyDeleteLove Anthony & Annette