Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 53

Today is another big day for Zoe Hope. She has been changed from bi-pap to cpap.  This is a trial and the doctors and nurses are monitoring her closely to see how she goes.  This will make her tired as she has to do all the work (breathing without back up and pressures) all by herself. So far she is doing the same as she was on bi-pap.

She has had another x-ray to monitor her stomach due to bloated stomach. This x-ray has come back clear so nothing has been changed there.

Her feeds remain the same for today to let her cope with the change in ventilation.  Zoe Hope has always had TPN (special nutrients and vitamins since birth).  The fluid amount given to Zoe Hope are increased according to needs, age and weight.  Zoe Hope has both TPN and breast milk. The doctors have and are working towards Zoe Hope going to full feeds and this means that she will no longer require TPN. Hence the total volume of fluids will be breast milk. Again this all depends on Zoe Hope's progress. As you are aware anything can change at any time. 

Her haemoglobin is again getting low so she may need another blood transfusion in the next few days.

Every day still counts and we are continued to be blessed with her presence.


  1. Zoe Hope you are amazing!! Your will and determination is to be admired. Keep it up little angel ....

  2. Dear Mandi & Jan, It is so good to read about Zoe Hope's progress. My love and prayers are with you both, Zoe Hope and the boys each day. Joy D.
