Another good day was had by Zoe Hope. She has spent most of the day sleeping, listening to stories and wriggling down her crib. It is amazing how such a little person can move even when wrapped.
Doctors and nurses are happy with how she is going. She is still on CPAP and having little breaks during the day (some around 10 minutes each Cares time - every 4 hours or so).
The nurses communicate so professionally sometimes you think they are the doctors. They are friendly, informative and always happy to help answer questions. (Plenty of questions).
Please pray for all the babies in the NICU. The journey is unique for each family and baby and it isn't an easy road.
Continue to remember how fortunate we all are for what we are blessed with each and everyday.
Little Zoe Hope was born at 23 weeks gestation on the 31st of December 2010 at 8.22pm, she weighed in at 550g and is 28.5cm long with a head circumference of 21cm.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Day 57
Zoe Hope has had a wonderful day today.
This morning she got a hold of her nasal prongs and pulled them out and with her automatic action put them in again, giving herself a blood nose. (Learning the hard way isn't really fair when you have no control over your movements yet!).
She enjoyed her dad giving her a nice warm bath with the wonderful guidance of nurse Suzette. Having no central line or cannulas in her limbs certainly made it easier. Dad just had to hold her tiny head and neck so she didn't slip into the bowl. (He loved every minute).
After her bath she had kangaroo care with mum until she got too wriggly. (The CPAP is very noisy. Hope she doesn't learn to snore).
She is now 1.196kg. (A little heavier than your cooking flour).
Please continue to pray for strong and healthy lungs.
This morning she got a hold of her nasal prongs and pulled them out and with her automatic action put them in again, giving herself a blood nose. (Learning the hard way isn't really fair when you have no control over your movements yet!).
She enjoyed her dad giving her a nice warm bath with the wonderful guidance of nurse Suzette. Having no central line or cannulas in her limbs certainly made it easier. Dad just had to hold her tiny head and neck so she didn't slip into the bowl. (He loved every minute).
After her bath she had kangaroo care with mum until she got too wriggly. (The CPAP is very noisy. Hope she doesn't learn to snore).
She is now 1.196kg. (A little heavier than your cooking flour).
Please continue to pray for strong and healthy lungs.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day 56
Zoe Hope has had another good day today. She had her Central Line taken out today so that means no more TPN. She is now classified to be on full feeds - being breast milk. Over the days to come other nutrients will also be introduced to enable her to grow and put on the weight she needs.
She is now 8 weeks old that makes her corrected minus 9 weeks. It is amazing to see how much she has grown these past weeks.
Please continue to pray for Zoe Hope.
She is now 8 weeks old that makes her corrected minus 9 weeks. It is amazing to see how much she has grown these past weeks.
Please continue to pray for Zoe Hope.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day 55
Zoe Hope has had a restful and stable day today. She is still on cpap and appears to be doing ok on this ventilation for the moment. Her stomach has improved and she has now two tubes in her mouth to help with feeding. One for milk and the other as an air vent this has also helped her stomach.
She is a good colour today and the nurses and doctors are happy with her progress thus far.
We pray that she is able to continue to grow and develop some new tissue in her lungs to help her for the future and that she keeps strong in the days to come with any hurdles that come her way.
She is a good colour today and the nurses and doctors are happy with her progress thus far.
We pray that she is able to continue to grow and develop some new tissue in her lungs to help her for the future and that she keeps strong in the days to come with any hurdles that come her way.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Day 54
Zoe Hope has had a big morning today with another x-ray on her stomach due to distention and bloating. She is very tired having been on cpap 24 hours so some pressure has been increased to help her push her lungs out a bit and hopefully also get her stomach to move down away from her diaphragm for comfort.
She has had her prongs in the nose changed to a larger size to see if the septum (bridge between nostrils) copes better. (The way the prongs are designed can affect the development of the cartilage and cause the septum to be flat with prolonged use as well as rubbing of the prongs).
The volume of fluids has been dropped by 20mls to help give her stomach a rest whilst it is descended.
Doctors are also watching a murmur they have heard today. We shall just have to wait and see whether this becomes an issue for Zoe Hope. At present she is stable.
These are just the days issues that happen regularly. Although they are big issues we are still very concerned about Zoe Hope's lungs. If you want to understand more Miracle Babies has a good definition of Chronic Lung Disease (CLD) see link to the right.
Please continue to pray for Zoe Hope's lung, overall health and strength.
She has had her prongs in the nose changed to a larger size to see if the septum (bridge between nostrils) copes better. (The way the prongs are designed can affect the development of the cartilage and cause the septum to be flat with prolonged use as well as rubbing of the prongs).
The volume of fluids has been dropped by 20mls to help give her stomach a rest whilst it is descended.
Doctors are also watching a murmur they have heard today. We shall just have to wait and see whether this becomes an issue for Zoe Hope. At present she is stable.
These are just the days issues that happen regularly. Although they are big issues we are still very concerned about Zoe Hope's lungs. If you want to understand more Miracle Babies has a good definition of Chronic Lung Disease (CLD) see link to the right.
Please continue to pray for Zoe Hope's lung, overall health and strength.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 53
Today is another big day for Zoe Hope. She has been changed from bi-pap to cpap. This is a trial and the doctors and nurses are monitoring her closely to see how she goes. This will make her tired as she has to do all the work (breathing without back up and pressures) all by herself. So far she is doing the same as she was on bi-pap.
She has had another x-ray to monitor her stomach due to bloated stomach. This x-ray has come back clear so nothing has been changed there.
Her feeds remain the same for today to let her cope with the change in ventilation. Zoe Hope has always had TPN (special nutrients and vitamins since birth). The fluid amount given to Zoe Hope are increased according to needs, age and weight. Zoe Hope has both TPN and breast milk. The doctors have and are working towards Zoe Hope going to full feeds and this means that she will no longer require TPN. Hence the total volume of fluids will be breast milk. Again this all depends on Zoe Hope's progress. As you are aware anything can change at any time.
Her haemoglobin is again getting low so she may need another blood transfusion in the next few days.
Every day still counts and we are continued to be blessed with her presence.
She has had another x-ray to monitor her stomach due to bloated stomach. This x-ray has come back clear so nothing has been changed there.
Her feeds remain the same for today to let her cope with the change in ventilation. Zoe Hope has always had TPN (special nutrients and vitamins since birth). The fluid amount given to Zoe Hope are increased according to needs, age and weight. Zoe Hope has both TPN and breast milk. The doctors have and are working towards Zoe Hope going to full feeds and this means that she will no longer require TPN. Hence the total volume of fluids will be breast milk. Again this all depends on Zoe Hope's progress. As you are aware anything can change at any time.
Her haemoglobin is again getting low so she may need another blood transfusion in the next few days.
Every day still counts and we are continued to be blessed with her presence.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 52
Zoe Hope has had a good day today. She has been resting well and enjoying the stories we have read to her. Mum had Kangaroo Care again today. It is awkward with all the pipes and wires however she was so nice and warm snuggling on mum's chest.
It is believed that when a baby has skin to skin contact with it's mother the bugs that are on the babies skin are some how absorbed into the mother's skin which help produce antibodies to fight those bugs in the breast milk that is then given to the baby. Nature is a wonderful and amazing thing.
The x-ray taken yesterday shows no significant change in her lungs. This is a good sign that they are not worse. The levels of saturation are being closely monitored to challenge her lungs again.
We need to pray that Zoe Hope can manage without the bi-pap and move across to cpap now she is getting older and stronger.
Thank you again for all the encouragement and support from you all and a big thank you to the lovely nurses and doctors who are extremely professional and informative in every way.
It is believed that when a baby has skin to skin contact with it's mother the bugs that are on the babies skin are some how absorbed into the mother's skin which help produce antibodies to fight those bugs in the breast milk that is then given to the baby. Nature is a wonderful and amazing thing.
The x-ray taken yesterday shows no significant change in her lungs. This is a good sign that they are not worse. The levels of saturation are being closely monitored to challenge her lungs again.
We need to pray that Zoe Hope can manage without the bi-pap and move across to cpap now she is getting older and stronger.
Thank you again for all the encouragement and support from you all and a big thank you to the lovely nurses and doctors who are extremely professional and informative in every way.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Day 51
Zoe Hope is coping well with the continuous feeding and is now on 180 mls /24hours. 120 mls is breast milk and the other 60mls is TPN (vitamins and lipids. So we should see some more growth in the coming days.
She has had a good day and today seemed more alert than usual when we visited. She was looking around the crib and focusing on mum as she was talking. She also had a little cry (very hard to hear but there).
Zoe Hope was having another X-ray of her chest and lungs today just to check that her lungs are still coping with the added pressures.
Keep praying and cheering for our little fairy princess!
She has had a good day and today seemed more alert than usual when we visited. She was looking around the crib and focusing on mum as she was talking. She also had a little cry (very hard to hear but there).
Zoe Hope was having another X-ray of her chest and lungs today just to check that her lungs are still coping with the added pressures.
Keep praying and cheering for our little fairy princess!
It's wondrous what a cuddle can do,
A cuddle can cheer you when you're blue.
A cuddle can say, 'I love you so' or 'Gee!
I hate to see you go.'
A cuddle is, "Welcome back again!" and,
'Great to see you!' Or "Where've you been?"
A cuddle can soothe a small child's pain
And bring a rainbow after rain.
The cuddle! There's just no doubt about it,
We scarcely could survive without it.
A cuddle delights and warms and charms,
It must be why God gave us arms
Cuddles are great for fathers and mothers,
Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers,
and chances are some favourite aunts,
love them more than potted plants.
Kittens crave them. Puppies love them.
Heads of State are not above them.
A cuddle can break the language barrier,
And make the dullest day seem merrier.
No need to fret about the store of 'em the
more you give, the more there are of em'.
So stretch those arms without delay and
give someone a cuddle today.
(Pocket inspirations 2006)
A cuddle can cheer you when you're blue.
A cuddle can say, 'I love you so' or 'Gee!
I hate to see you go.'
A cuddle is, "Welcome back again!" and,
'Great to see you!' Or "Where've you been?"
A cuddle can soothe a small child's pain
And bring a rainbow after rain.
The cuddle! There's just no doubt about it,
We scarcely could survive without it.
A cuddle delights and warms and charms,
It must be why God gave us arms
Cuddles are great for fathers and mothers,
Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers,
and chances are some favourite aunts,
love them more than potted plants.
Kittens crave them. Puppies love them.
Heads of State are not above them.
A cuddle can break the language barrier,
And make the dullest day seem merrier.
No need to fret about the store of 'em the
more you give, the more there are of em'.
So stretch those arms without delay and
give someone a cuddle today.
(Pocket inspirations 2006)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 50
- Zoe Hope is 50 today.
- Zoe is 1.09kg today
- Zoe had her first bath in a bowl
- Zoe had her first cuddle from dad.
Pretty big day for such a tiny girl, she is back on a 3rd dose of medication for her lungs and we are hoping it will help her to get the break through so that we can get her from bi-pap to c-pap and eventually of the ventilator. (bi-pap is cpap with extra pressures and breaths).
Please continue to pray for Zoe Hope's lungs and development.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Day 49

Zoe Hope had gone up to 6mls every second hour however the doctors want to try her on a continuous feed in the hope that her saturation of oxygen improves.
This afternoon after Cares nurse Katrina and Dad helped mum and Zoe prepare for the 'first cuddle' (Kangaroo Care). What an amazing experience it was to finally hold our little fairy princess Zoe Hope. She snuggled on my chest and was so nice and warm. I was able to talk and sing to her face to face and not glass to face. Today she is 7 weeks and 1 day old. She is a miracle.
Please pray for Zoe Hope that she may continue to be strong and leap any future hurdles put before her.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 48
Zoe Hope has started the day really well today. She is back on 5mls of milk every 2 hours. Her stomach has settled and her skin colour looks great.
She is starting to respond when I sing and read to her. Although her response is either shown in her being stable in her saturation or a flicker of her eyelids it is very exciting.
Overall she has had a great day so far.
Please continue your wonderful prayers for Zoe Hope to continue on her positive journey in life.
She is starting to respond when I sing and read to her. Although her response is either shown in her being stable in her saturation or a flicker of her eyelids it is very exciting.
Overall she has had a great day so far.
Please continue your wonderful prayers for Zoe Hope to continue on her positive journey in life.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 47
Today Zoe Hope has had a set back in that her feeds have been withdrawn due to her swollen stomach. Doctors and nurses are hoping it is only due to the air getting into her stomach so are closely monitoring it. She is not a good colour today. This could be due to the troubles with her stomach.
The central line was again put in (this time in her arm). This procedure took 2 hours so it was not an easy task. It is done in a sterile environment within the NICU. Zoe remains in her crib during this time. Due to this procedure Zoe Hope has again required more pressures and higher oxygen levels.
The nasal prongs on her nose have continued to cause irritation so the nurses are again alternating with a triangle mask and the prongs.
Please pray that Zoe Hope overcomes these new hurdles.
The central line was again put in (this time in her arm). This procedure took 2 hours so it was not an easy task. It is done in a sterile environment within the NICU. Zoe remains in her crib during this time. Due to this procedure Zoe Hope has again required more pressures and higher oxygen levels.
The nasal prongs on her nose have continued to cause irritation so the nurses are again alternating with a triangle mask and the prongs.
Please pray that Zoe Hope overcomes these new hurdles.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 46
Zoe is looking really good after her blood transfusion last night. She is doing very well on the CPAP and the doctors are adding new challenges each day to try to get the back up pressures down so that Zoe Hope can mostly breath on her own.
She has been a real trooper in the past 6 1/2 weeks. I am sure she has taught us all a lesson or two.
She currently weighs 964grams and will be weighed again on Sunday.
Thank you all again for your support with Zoe Hope's progress.
She has been a real trooper in the past 6 1/2 weeks. I am sure she has taught us all a lesson or two.
She currently weighs 964grams and will be weighed again on Sunday.
Thank you all again for your support with Zoe Hope's progress.
Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient, love is kind,
It does not envy it does not boast
It is not proud.
It is not rude,
It is not self seeking,
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no records of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
Always hopes, always perservers.
It does not envy it does not boast
It is not proud.
It is not rude,
It is not self seeking,
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no records of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
Always hopes, always perservers.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Day 45 (take two)
Zoe Hope is having a settled day again today. She will undergo another blood transfusion
(spoke too soon) tonight as her red blood count is down.
Her nose has been red due to the prongs in her nose so the nurses are alternating between a mask and the prongs to give her a little rest more regularly as she is likely to be on CPAP for quite some time.
Overall she is our little champion Princess.
(spoke too soon) tonight as her red blood count is down.
Her nose has been red due to the prongs in her nose so the nurses are alternating between a mask and the prongs to give her a little rest more regularly as she is likely to be on CPAP for quite some time.
Overall she is our little champion Princess.
Please Note change of day numbers on Blog headings
We will be adjusting our "Blog" posting days due to the hospital only counting the first day of birth if a baby is born prior to 12 midday.
This is important so we can coordinate with the hospitals time frame for particular occasions.
Thanks for your understanding
Jan and Mandi
This is important so we can coordinate with the hospitals time frame for particular occasions.
Thanks for your understanding
Jan and Mandi
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 45
Happy Valentines Day from Zoe Hope!
Zoe Hope has had a great day today. She was able to have a break from the CPAP and just had oxygen in her crib for 5 minutes today. This is the first time we have seen her eyes so wide open for quite some time now.
She is so cute! (This photo makes her look big however she is still so small).
The doctors have removed her central line due to the length of time it has been in and the blood tests still showing infection. They may put another one in later this week as she still requires TPN (special vitamins to help her grow and put weight on) as her milk is still in such small quantities. Zoe Hope is now on 4mls every 2 hours. She seems to be tolerating this very well at present.
Overall she has a good natural colour and hasn't required a blood transfusion in a week (longest). Yippee!
Go Zoe you can do it just like "The Little Engine" story we read.
Zoe Hope has had a great day today. She was able to have a break from the CPAP and just had oxygen in her crib for 5 minutes today. This is the first time we have seen her eyes so wide open for quite some time now.
She is so cute! (This photo makes her look big however she is still so small).
The doctors have removed her central line due to the length of time it has been in and the blood tests still showing infection. They may put another one in later this week as she still requires TPN (special vitamins to help her grow and put weight on) as her milk is still in such small quantities. Zoe Hope is now on 4mls every 2 hours. She seems to be tolerating this very well at present.
Overall she has a good natural colour and hasn't required a blood transfusion in a week (longest). Yippee!
Go Zoe you can do it just like "The Little Engine" story we read.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 44
Not much change in Zoe Hope's condition today, she has gained a little more weight, at 947 she is well over double her lowest weight of 460g. Doctors have again increased feeding to 3ml every two hours and she will complete her course of antibiotics over the next two days due to high numbers in her blood counts. Zoe has made a few good leaps forward in the past 7 days, we are praying that she will continue her journey positively and that set backs are few and far between, as she still has a very long road ahead.
Just a quick thanks to/for:
The staff at Westmead Hospital.
All of YOU supporting us, far and near.
Everyone who has donated to Westmead NICU.
Just a quick thanks to/for:
The staff at Westmead Hospital.
All of YOU supporting us, far and near.
Everyone who has donated to Westmead NICU.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Day 43
Zoe Hope has had a good day.
She is still on antibiotics to help with an underlying infection.
She has now been on the CPAP ventilator for one week and appears to be handling the breathing well. The pressures have been set high to help her cope and today they were again lowered slightly. This has made the breathing harder for Zoe Hope so at times she needs to be reminded to breath (something we all take for granted).
She appears puffy in the face however this is due to the high levels of oxygen Zoe Hope requires whilst being ventilated. This continuous need for oxygen can have detrimental effects on such a small babies eyes called ROP. We will not know for many weeks if Zoe Hope's eyes will be affected however the nurses are very careful not to constantly change oxygenation for this reason.
Please continue to pray for her. Her tiny lungs are still very fragile and now we can also pray for her sight.
We are so proud of our little girl. What a little fighter!
(No wonder. She was born in the year of the TIGER).
She is still on antibiotics to help with an underlying infection.
She has now been on the CPAP ventilator for one week and appears to be handling the breathing well. The pressures have been set high to help her cope and today they were again lowered slightly. This has made the breathing harder for Zoe Hope so at times she needs to be reminded to breath (something we all take for granted).
She appears puffy in the face however this is due to the high levels of oxygen Zoe Hope requires whilst being ventilated. This continuous need for oxygen can have detrimental effects on such a small babies eyes called ROP. We will not know for many weeks if Zoe Hope's eyes will be affected however the nurses are very careful not to constantly change oxygenation for this reason.
Please continue to pray for her. Her tiny lungs are still very fragile and now we can also pray for her sight.
We are so proud of our little girl. What a little fighter!
(No wonder. She was born in the year of the TIGER).
Friday, February 11, 2011
Day 42
Well tonight at 8.22pm Zoe Hope will be 6 weeks old. Where has all that time gone?
Zoe Hope is a little pale in colour today however her haemoglobin level is good. She is having a good day all round and now has 2ml every 2 hours of milk. We hope to see her tummy working a lot better over the weekend so that she can have more milk.
She was very cute trying to suck on her dummy today. She sleeps most of the time so it is exciting to see the small things she does. She sure knows how to stretch and enjoys having her hands up by her ears.
Thank you to all the nurses and doctors that continue to monitor and work with Zoe Hope. We are blessed to have her in such good hands.
Zoe Hope is a little pale in colour today however her haemoglobin level is good. She is having a good day all round and now has 2ml every 2 hours of milk. We hope to see her tummy working a lot better over the weekend so that she can have more milk.
She was very cute trying to suck on her dummy today. She sleeps most of the time so it is exciting to see the small things she does. She sure knows how to stretch and enjoys having her hands up by her ears.
Thank you to all the nurses and doctors that continue to monitor and work with Zoe Hope. We are blessed to have her in such good hands.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 42
Dad did cares tonight and Zoe coped very well and so did dad, she has picked up a little weight up to 890g. Considering she has not had much milk and is only on 1ml every 2 hours it’s not a bad result.
I Loooove my tummy!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 41
Zoe Hope is continuing to do well on the CPAP ventilator.
We haven't really seen her with her eyes open for long. She is tired from working so hard with her breathing.
She is again back on 1ml per hour feeds (via mouth feeding tube).
"Where there is life there is HOPE!" K.M.
and HOPE is what we have for our little ZOE HOPE!
We are blessed each and every day.
We haven't really seen her with her eyes open for long. She is tired from working so hard with her breathing.
She is again back on 1ml per hour feeds (via mouth feeding tube).
"Where there is life there is HOPE!" K.M.
and HOPE is what we have for our little ZOE HOPE!
We are blessed each and every day.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 40
Zoe Hope is still on the C-pap ventilator. It has not been a smooth ride with a few hick ups along the way. None the less she is fighting and working real hard and we are proud of her. Due to possible issue with her belly she is now Nil by moth until it has settled down.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Day 39
Here is a photo of Zoe Hope with the CPAP ventilator. It does look uncomfortable however so far she is still on this ventilator which is less
intrusive as the nasal prongs only go into the nose not the lungs. This ventilator does the same as the SIPPV however she is breathing mostly on her own with extra support and occasionally extra breaths when required.
She has looked settled during today and doctors and nurses continue to be happy with her progress in the past 20 hours.
We pray that Zoe Hope continues to breath with the C-PAP so that new lung tissue can grow to make her lungs stronger. We pray she continues to do well with her feeds (2mls per hour at present). We pray that she is able to rest and find extra comfort knowing that so many people are walking this long hard journey with her.
God Bless our little girl!
She has looked settled during today and doctors and nurses continue to be happy with her progress in the past 20 hours.
We pray that Zoe Hope continues to breath with the C-PAP so that new lung tissue can grow to make her lungs stronger. We pray she continues to do well with her feeds (2mls per hour at present). We pray that she is able to rest and find extra comfort knowing that so many people are walking this long hard journey with her.
God Bless our little girl!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Zoe Hopes tube came out again unexpectedly this afternoon and doctors managed to put a new tube though her nose into the lungs. Unfortunately the tube was too small and the oxygen leak was too significant so again Zoe had to go through a procedure to change the method of ventilation. This time the procedure was planned so they were able to have a number plans to fall back on if need be. Zoe did well and so did the doctors, she is now on a c-pap ventilator. Though this sounds all exiting and good, Zoe Hope will have to work very hard and prove she is strong enough for this new vent elating method.
It's been a big day for such a little girl of 817gr. She is fighting hard and we are so proud of her!
It's been a big day for such a little girl of 817gr. She is fighting hard and we are so proud of her!
Day 38
This is Zoe Hope after her wash this morning. Mum was asked to hold her (only at arms length)
and dad held his hand on her tiny tummy whilst the nurses changed her crib.
The many tubes and wires attached to Zoe Hope make it a very fragile and lengthy process.
The crib has to be changed once every week to eliminate germs etc.
Unfortunately she was still not ready to be changed to C-PAP
so we shall see what the doctors plans are for the next 24 hours later today.
She is back on the SIPPV Ventilator.
This is again a reminder to us all that the long journey ahead can only be taken
day by day as things can change at any given moment.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Day 37
Zoe Hope was resting well when we spent time with her today. She had the comfort of a dummy and this evening was getting 3mls of milk per hour when we saw her.
She has a big day planned tomorrow with the ex-tubation of the breathing tube. So far the medicine she has been given in the last 24 hours is showing some effect and hence we are praying that she will cope with the procedure and also with the CPAP ventilator.
It is just amazing how someone so small can still show such a fighting spirit.
She has a big day planned tomorrow with the ex-tubation of the breathing tube. So far the medicine she has been given in the last 24 hours is showing some effect and hence we are praying that she will cope with the procedure and also with the CPAP ventilator.
It is just amazing how someone so small can still show such a fighting spirit.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Day 36
Zoe is still looking beautiful in her little dress, even though it’s the smallest one they have it’s still a few sizes too big. She was resting well this afternoon when we visited. She has also had a good go at the dummy in the last few days even though it does not really fit in between the tubes and all.
Doctors will again start tonight with medication to boost her lungs in an attempt to transfer Zoe Hope from the Tube ventilator (sippv/simv) to a nose probe (c-pap) type ventilator in the next 48 hours. The C-pap ventilator causes less damage and removes the immediate danger of the tube inserted all the way to the lungs. This is critical due to the state of Zoe Hope’s tiny and damaged lungs. It has again been pointed out that even Zoe Hope seems stable that the CLD (Chronic lung disease) Zoe has is of an extreme nature.
Your thoughts and prayers are with her.
Zoe is still looking beautiful in her little dress, even though it’s the smallest one they have it’s still a few sizes too big. She was resting well this afternoon when we visited. She has also had a good go at the dummy in the last few days even though it does not really fit in between the tubes and all.
Doctors will again start tonight with medication to boost her lungs in an attempt to transfer Zoe Hope from the Tube ventilator (sippv/simv) to a nose probe (c-pap) type ventilator in the next 48 hours. The C-pap ventilator causes less damage and removes the immediate danger of the tube inserted all the way to the lungs. This is critical due to the state of Zoe Hope’s tiny and damaged lungs. It has again been pointed out that even Zoe Hope seems stable that the CLD (Chronic lung disease) Zoe has is of an extreme nature.
Your thoughts and prayers are with her.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Romans 15:13
May the God of HOPE fill you
With all the joy and peace as
You trust in him, so that you
May overflow with HOPE by
The power of the Holy Spirit
With all the joy and peace as
You trust in him, so that you
May overflow with HOPE by
The power of the Holy Spirit
Day 35
Today Zoe Hope has been a lot more settled. She is wearing a dress (the smallest they had) and has had the comfort of a dummy (the smallest they could find) for comfort.
She has been placed on the SIPPV ventilator again to support every breath as she is too tired on the other ventilator at present. The antibiotics for her lungs have now finished so we hope to see more improvement in the next 24hours in her breathing.
If you are interested in reading more information on premature babies remember to log onto the Miracle Babies link through the blog. They work with families and provide a lot of information and support. I enjoyed my first Miracle Babies Nurture Time meeting today whilst at the hospital and as a mum having had two premature babies (Henry was 35 weeks gestation when born and of course Zoe Hope) I am very thankful there are volunteers who have been in similar situations who can just be there and know how hard this journey is.
Keep praying for Zoe Hope she can hear you!
She has been placed on the SIPPV ventilator again to support every breath as she is too tired on the other ventilator at present. The antibiotics for her lungs have now finished so we hope to see more improvement in the next 24hours in her breathing.
If you are interested in reading more information on premature babies remember to log onto the Miracle Babies link through the blog. They work with families and provide a lot of information and support. I enjoyed my first Miracle Babies Nurture Time meeting today whilst at the hospital and as a mum having had two premature babies (Henry was 35 weeks gestation when born and of course Zoe Hope) I am very thankful there are volunteers who have been in similar situations who can just be there and know how hard this journey is.
Keep praying for Zoe Hope she can hear you!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Day 34
Zoe Hope did not have a good night, the tube dislodged again and doctors had to be re-intubate at midnight she is believed to have had a fit so now they have EEG monitors on her head to monitor her brain. They are again going to try putting a smaller tube down her nose and attempt CPAP ventilator as she is so agitated with the throat tube, thus all the dislodgements. She has another lung infection so they have started antibiotics to clear that.
She needs all prayers today.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Day 33
Zoe Hope is currently receiving antibiotics to clear up some fluid in her lungs thought to be the cause of breathing issues on Sunday and Monday. She is a better colour today so hasn't required another transfusion as yet.
This evening the tube in her throat came out again and Zoe Hope stopped breathing so we are still needing prayers that she gets stronger in her lungs. She is now again stable for how long only God knows.
Tomorrow she should also begin 2.5mls milk per hour. This should begin to add more weight.
Please continue your prayers for Zoe Hope to get stronger lungs and the strength to continue her fight to survive.
Thank you again for all your messages. They are warmly received and much appreciated just knowing we have your support at such a time when anything and everything is not to be taken for granted.
God only gives us what we can handle!
This evening the tube in her throat came out again and Zoe Hope stopped breathing so we are still needing prayers that she gets stronger in her lungs. She is now again stable for how long only God knows.
Tomorrow she should also begin 2.5mls milk per hour. This should begin to add more weight.
Please continue your prayers for Zoe Hope to get stronger lungs and the strength to continue her fight to survive.
Thank you again for all your messages. They are warmly received and much appreciated just knowing we have your support at such a time when anything and everything is not to be taken for granted.
God only gives us what we can handle!
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